Main Street - First layer is paved, 2nd layer paved June 2025. Residents will continue to use the mailboxes on 2nd street over winter!! (See 9/22/24 update for details)

Village of Granton - A Little Town Doing Big Things

The Village of Granton rests among long stretches of rich farmland and is nestled along the banks of O’Neill Creek. This buzzing little community sits between Neillsville and Marshfield.

For a small town, Granton is one big place. It may be small in size and population, but it lacks little. Within the Village limits,is a bank, a grocery store, a hardware store, a Methodist Church and a Lutheran Church, a restaurant, a bar, a post office, a barber shop, a metal crafter, a community center, a vet clinic, a K-12 school, a ball park, a campground, a trout pond, a library and a daycare center. Just outside the Village limit is 3 supper clubs, a gas Station, several tractor and farm supply companies, cheese makers, and a large Amish Community running many greenhouses.

Our history runs deep, starting with Eli Williams the first to settle where Granton is now situated. He came from Pennsylvania in 1856 and his descendants are still living there. J. D. Wage was the next comer, also from Pennsylvania, and then Levi Marsh, all of whom took up war claims, of 80 or 160 acres each. In 1857 came Nelson Marsh with his family from the east who had come through by way of Sparta with ox team cutting a road through the trackless forest. GotliebGarbisch came soon afterwards, the ancestor of several families of that name still prominent in the community. A stage route was maintained until the railroad came through in 1891.

For More Granton History: